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Forsaken angel24
Member Since 09 Jul 2005Offline Last Active Aug 07 2021 04:10 PM
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In Topic: Looking back at 14 years in the LGLF...
30 June 2016 - 08:46 AM
In Topic: Dart-related Nerf war accidents and dart safety tests
23 May 2013 - 12:25 AM
At Massacre 7 I witnessed a glue dome tear open a persons forehead. Blood squirted from his forehead on impact and it literally looked like he had just been shot with a real bullet. He continued bleeding for quite some time after that, and returned to the war about an hour later bandaged but soaked in blood. I was really surprised he didn't go get stitches.
This was caused by a poorly made glue dome with either a slingshot or ball bearing weight. Instead of a round and smooth dome, the glue was pointy and extremely jagged. I'm pretty sure a little kid brought those shitty darts, and from my point of view it looked as though a homemade airgun with a soda can for an airtank did the shooting, from about 50 feet.
I'll also share my most painful experience was getting shot by both barrels of tailo (two singled 3k's) point blank with ball bearing glue domes also at massacre 7. Bruises lasted for several days afterward.
For the record massacre 7 was fun as hell.
I was the guy who took him to go get first aid.
He was bleeding pretty bad. It was the worst hit I have ever seen at a Nerf war. Only fitting it would happen at the very last Massacre.
He was hit by one of his own sons darts that was shot out of another persons gun.
This was after I told him to go through his darts and pick out the bad ones.
Unfortunately I as well have no pics from that day.
and it's Talos.
11 September 2012 - 10:55 PM
In Topic: Hasbro harassing Urban Taggers
25 April 2012 - 12:58 PM
I won't be purchasing a Nerf brand gun again.
In Topic: Happy Easter from the North!
11 April 2012 - 09:37 PM
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