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Member Since 28 May 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2011 01:08 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Massacre 3

27 February 2009 - 05:48 AM

Thanks for the invite, but I start rehearsal for a show that day. Happy nerfing!

In Topic: Nerfing Legality In Canada...

07 September 2008 - 04:38 PM

I had a twelve-person war for my birthday a couple of weeks ago, in a park in downtown Toronto (a city where gun control is a particularly hot issue of late). After a few hours, a police car patrolled through and pulled up next to us. We explained to the officers what we were up to, they wanted to know how hard the blasters fired, and then they bade us good day with smiles all around. We did offer to let them join in, which they thought was hilarious.

Don't be a jerk to anyone, respect the cops if they show up, and you'll be fine. And yeah, keep the blasters silly-coloured... legally speaking, carrying anything that closely resembles a firearm can constitute a firearms offence, and the fuzz will respond as such.

In Topic: Perceptor Gun Mod

03 September 2008 - 09:14 PM

Cool. A second question, then: could the barrel be lopped off before the angle instead of after it, or would important guts get damaged? I may have access to one of these, and I'm thinking of adding it to my BBB as a sort of backup barrel/shotgun foregrip- but that would require it to be able to fire if reduced to a linear tube.

In Topic: Animals And Nerfing

03 September 2008 - 08:56 PM

The foam itself, my assistant vet friend tells me, is quite probably inert and safe from a digestion point of view. And though a dart (or a chunk of one) could cause a blockage in the pipes, most canine digestive tracts are apparently pretty robust about poopin' out unwelcome guests of unusual size or shape. The real danger is in choking- apparently not a few pets die from sucking something down the wrong pipe.

The moral of the story, really, is this: if you've elected to care for an animal, don't be an asshole. Nerf is fun, but the awesomest modded OMFGROFLBBQ blaster is not as important as the well-being of your pet, so don't go about your hobby in a way that might endanger a dog or cat's life.

In Topic: Anyone Ever Return A Defected Blaster?

03 September 2008 - 08:46 PM

My RF20 just plain didn't work- it felt like the trigger wasn't properly engaged to the shooty gubbins inside. Returning it for a functional one took all of five minutes with no hassle at all.