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Member Since 20 May 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 20 2008 12:57 AM

Topics I've Started

Utah Nerf Wars

07 August 2008 - 06:23 PM

Is anyone here from the Utah area and interested in a nerf war? I'm interested in trying to organize one, but want to know if there is anyone out there that would want to be part of it.

How To Start A Nerf War?

04 August 2008 - 02:12 PM

So heres the thing, I play nerf battles regularly, but we play them in peoples houses. It's fairly boring to play in the same house over and over, and doesn't offer the size, or variability that I want from a full on nerf war.

So my question is, how do I find a good place to nerf.
Public librarys, school buildings, office buildings, these kinds of places would be really nice for a nerf war. But how do I get access to places like that..

So where do you guys play nerf wars and if its in a place other than a house, or outside, how did you get acess to the building?