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Member Since 15 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 01 2005 10:28 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Diffrent Nf And Maverick Colors.

04 July 2005 - 11:41 PM

It's an original body case, can't exactly tell about the internals from the picture though. :P

In Topic: Nerf+sparklers

03 July 2005 - 10:10 PM

... foam + fire = ...?

Flames, or goo puddle?

In Topic: Modified Secret Shot

01 July 2005 - 02:56 PM

Streched spring, bands, also replaceing the "barrel" prong with some cpvc is a good idea, but more time consumig then those other simple mods.

The tri-SS is probally my favorite pistol of all time. Mine just kinda quit on me one day though. I can't really figure out why.

In Topic: Thinner Stefans

25 June 2005 - 09:42 AM

Love,how do you get the fat foam or multiple darts all the way in the cpvc?

For the fat foam squeez the tip in and twist the rest of the dart down slowly, then ram rod it to the opposite end of the cpvc, then fill up the rest of the tube his way.

In Topic: Diferent Kinds Of Blowguns

25 June 2005 - 09:16 AM

I find that simplicty is good for blowguns. I have a 3'6" peice of copper that fits my stefans super loose. I could plug you at 40' with that joker.