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Member Since 10 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2005 05:53 PM

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New Nerf Guns

26 September 2005 - 01:03 AM

I saw a new nerf gun at Walmart yesterday and was trying to find more information about it, but I didn't see any posts about it on here. To be specific, there are apprently three new guns, there was only one in the store, but it had pictures of two others on the back. I can't remember the name of the gun, but it was a dart gun that cocked by having the back end pulled up (best way I can described the apparent cocking mechanism). One of the pictures on the back was of something that looked like a missile storm, but with 3 arrows instead of 4. I can't really remember what the other one was. Has anyone else seen these yet? I didn't buy anything because I was hoping to learn more about them first.