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Member Since 05 May 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 17 2010 09:10 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Dark Knight

02 August 2008 - 03:25 PM

I hope them make a sequel

Too bad Heath Ledger won't be back to play the Joker. He was frickin' awesome. It makes his death so much more depressing.

"My Dad was a bit of a drinker."

"Let's put a smile on that face!"

He was scary good.

In Topic: Nerf Sayings

01 August 2008 - 08:49 PM

"Live To Nerf... Nerf To Live" (Or vice versa)

Or there's my team slogan, which is my personal favorite:

"Nerf... my anti-drug"

That's my two cents.

In Topic: Hello Everyone

06 July 2008 - 10:28 AM

You don't need to apologize, just fix it.

In Topic: Bi-weekly Wars In Da 'burgh

20 June 2008 - 09:52 PM

Karpenter. As I'm sure you already know, I will be attending these (First of which is tomorrow). I wish some more people had read this topic. Or at least people in/around Pittsburgh. As far as I can see, jwasko is the only other person from the Haven who will be attending. So if you're reading this, and you're in Pittsburgh, then come to the damn wars. I'd like to see more people coming to these than the few we already have. PM one of us about the details.


In Topic: Flag N' Frag System

17 June 2008 - 09:22 PM

Yeah, he's got a point. Pastors want the sanctuary to be only used for worship, and probably wouldn't be very happy. He would most likely faint at the idea (at least our pastor would). But we're lucky, because at our church, we have a huge room downstairs that we can put obstacles in and a ramp that winds from the top all the way to the bottom.