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Member Since 24 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active Aug 30 2019 08:08 PM

#363935 My Reactor Mod (Elite Single Shot/Shotgun Mod)

Posted by YEETthatdart on 25 May 2019 - 06:41 PM

I made a brass barreled reactor that can be single shot or multi shot depending on how many darts you put in it. It requires you to cut out the white AR piece in the blaster, and then I suggest if you have any 1/2 cpvc (about 2 inches of it) to get that and a cpvc coupler and attach that to the back end of your brass and glue it in place. after that hammer the cpvc down the front of the gun (I suggest removing the spring pusher for balls instead of cutting it apart)and then place the cpvc part into the hole where the AR was. Then to center the barrel and hold it in place you should cut a hole into a reactor ball and wedge it on to the end of the brass side. The general range depends on the type of dart, accufakes work best IMO. The duct tape on the back of the gun is cause it has a broken screw port.

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#363556 Nerf Rival Apollo to Elite Mod

Posted by YEETthatdart on 13 December 2018 - 10:42 PM

This is a mod that allows you to fire elites out of an apollo as a front loader. All you need is a buzzbee shotgun shell that has the back drilled out (AR removal),electrical tape, and an apollo.


Just wrap the buzzbee shell with some e-tape until you can push it in the front of the apollo with only enough hold to keep the shell in place and load an elite into the shell like normal, then fire. 

Attached Thumbnails

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