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Mr Tubb
Member Since 15 Apr 2008Offline Last Active Nov 07 2009 10:39 PM
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: An Excellent Bullet Carrier For Any Large Gun
08 February 2009 - 12:42 PM
Although this is creative, wouldn't it be easier to glue a small cardboard box to the side of a gun and be done with it?
In Topic: Re 100 Pack Of Darts
07 February 2009 - 03:03 PM
My brother got a $20 N-strike (not iron man) magstrike that had the new sonics in it, and they're pretty good. Much better than the old ones.
In Topic: My "broken" Double Shot
02 February 2009 - 08:34 AM
If you use enough glue you shouldn't see a drop in range. I actually just tugged on both ends of the gun (the barrel assembly was just dangling by the priming string) and something snapped on the barrel assembly to free the string from the pulley. And, unless you're fairly strong (I'm not,) it's quite difficult to prime without a handle. I'm going to fix this thing cosmetically (with some foam posterboard and silver spray paint) next weekend.Also, does this mod affect air-seal? It looks like it might if you put a generous enough amount of glue on there. Do I unscrew the screw at the break and just take it out and attach the rope to a handle?
In Topic: My "broken" Double Shot
01 February 2009 - 06:28 PM
Nope, the only thing that the entire barrel assembly does is hold the shells (you can just glue them on after this mod) and make it easier to prime (there's a little pulley system.)Just a question. When you tore apart your double shot's barrel assembly, were there any necessary pieces in the foregrip? Because if there aren't, I'm going to take minimization a step further and saw that off too.
In Topic: Banet Mod
01 February 2009 - 12:45 PM
Something like this doesn't really need it's own topic, you could probably just post a pic in the mod/paintjob thread. Anyway, you might want to use some glue as well.I'm thinking of taping a Nforce sword to a longshot. Maybe 2,one on the top and one on the bottom.
- NerfHaven
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