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Member Since 01 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2009 12:55 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Good Beginner Guitar?

09 July 2008 - 12:07 AM

Do not get a first act guitar, those things are garbage.
The first guitar I've ever had was a first act, and it sucked but of course I didn't know that being a beginner guitarist. What you really should do is get a strat not with the package. Play around and see which one looks and sounds best and make sure you get that one. After go get yourself an amp, try to get a cheap one with as little feedback as possible. Don't forget the other necessities like

-new strings
-string winder

and your set! Hope I helped!

In Topic: Double Nitefinder

06 July 2008 - 05:43 PM

You could use fishing line or whatever that's what people use on a longshot integration for the trigger.

The thing about that is that it would tear up your hand

In Topic: Double Nitefinder

06 July 2008 - 03:05 PM

He's saying that someone should make like a cocking mechanism like out of PVC and PVC elbows that is one handle, but allows you to cock them both at once. But, that would mean that they would have to fire simultaneously, so that kind of defeats the purpose of having two shots.

Not exactly what i'm saying. I was thinking about something that was lose enough so that you could use one at a time yet strong enough so that you could cock them at the same time without it breaking.

Someone PM'd me that someone's already thought of that before and that i could just use string. The only problem with that is that i would have a hard time finding string that was durable enough and wouldn't unravel.

In Topic: Double Nitefinder

03 July 2008 - 08:32 PM

Whenever i see these double nightfinders I wish someone would come up with something where you could cock both guns at the same time or only one if you wanted. I would try to come up with something myself but i don't have the money right now. (I know it's sad that I don't even have 12 dollars)

So somebody please think about it. I believe it would make these a lot more effective.

In Topic: What Do You Do With 2 Disposable Mavericks

03 July 2008 - 08:26 PM

I would experiment with both, then show everybody something they've never thought of before.