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Member Since 01 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 31 2017 11:27 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: My blaster is destroying darts

19 March 2017 - 04:13 PM

17/32 is smaller than 9/16, it will be even tighter. That said, I would experiment with a tighter dart fit, as well as looser. PETG might actually be about the same as 9/16 though, I'm not sure off the top of my head but they're pretty similar.

Try a tighter barrel, I have a feeling that might actually help. I use a tight barrel on air blasters with stock darts, and I don't usually have them split.

I have some 17/32 I can try, and some cpvc as well on the way. what PETG tubes would you recommend?

In Topic: high volume vs high pressure bike pumps

17 March 2017 - 07:04 AM

It's a 3 way (which of course is not really necessary), and yes, the little extra air is redirected to the barrel (check valve to prevent blowback). I believe it would make more of a difference with a smaller tank. Figured if I can fire a dart on that air alone, I may as well use it too. I know it's not making much of a difference. Just a little peace of mind.

In Topic: high volume vs high pressure bike pumps

16 March 2017 - 03:35 PM

Well, here's the blaster currently. Realized I can remove the pump hose. Figure I can strengthen the point where it screws in by building up there with metal epoxy or something.





Thanks for the links guys. I can use the shell idea with another design. I'm already getting parts for another :P

This is turning into any of my other hobbies where I'm spending as much time building/modding as playing with whatever it is I wanted to play with.

In Topic: What are the most powerful out-of-box or slightly modded blasters?

04 March 2017 - 05:32 PM

Given your condition of slight modding, I'd suggest anything that fires mega darts, or multiple darts, and had adapters to fire a single regular dart.


E.g. Cycloneshock with worker barrels (or brass it yourself), or sledgefire with an adapter for single shot.