I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that, plenty of guns are equally as powerful as a titan, cobras can be MORE powerful. Plugged lbbs, big blasts, rotorockets, etc etc.All guns are allowed, except the titan
- NerfHaven
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Member Since 17 Feb 2008Offline Last Active Dec 08 2012 05:15 PM
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In Topic: [Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!
18 November 2012 - 10:56 PM
In Topic: [Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!
04 November 2012 - 01:08 AM
Discovery park is a good option, as there's plenty of trees and nature to use for cover as well as being easy to find and located near all the major freeways.
In Topic: Nerfers In Sac
16 October 2012 - 01:21 AM
In Topic: [Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!
12 October 2012 - 06:44 PM
That's what I assumed, but I've seen many Nerf war videos where they have open fields. If we were to use an open field we would probably have to make mobstacles (sp) or something of the sort.
I've actually hosted around 4 wars with just some friends (maybe 15 people max) where we went to the Social Science Building on the UCD campus (aka Death Star) which is basically a concrete fortress perfect for lower range Nerf wars. Unfortunately some angry student threatened to call the cops if we hit anybody so just to play it safe we left. Even though we were there late Sunday afternoon attempting to avoid people.
Yeah I'm not saying it's impossible to nerf in a open field, I'm simply saying picking a park with natural cover would be the most rational thing to do before buying and assembling the parts to make mobstacles haha.
I do agree with your earlier statement, that roseville is a bit far. Sacramento or Davis would probably be better as it's closer for the majority of the interested parties.
In Topic: [Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!
11 October 2012 - 12:10 AM
Northstar Park would be an excellent place as it has a large open field. There is a small parking lot right next to the field that would be plenty large for us. We would need to figure out/make obstacles, but other than that it should work well. It also would probably work better for many DUGG members as they're closer.
Generally you want to avoid open fields, like you said you want obstacles; cover and/or trees, places to dodge darts. Or else you wind up threatening to shoot each other from just outside your range. I've been there and done that. The best wars I've been to, socal wars, were hosted at schools. Corners and corridors make things much more practical.
Just a suggestion.
- NerfHaven
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