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Member Since 11 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 22 2017 02:09 PM

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XP180 shaft question

26 December 2016 - 11:21 AM

I bought a pair of XP180s off eBay with the little gears on them and thought I'd just pull them off with a pair of pliers. Just looked closer at them and the shafts are shorter than the hellcats. Are they usable for flywheels or should I return them? I was planning on using them in the red artifact cage with the blue alloy flywheels. TIA


11 December 2016 - 11:12 PM

Hey I'm fairly new to nerf, 1 month, but find the mods very interesting and find myself researching all the time. Anyways, I've done a full Stryfe gut job with honey badgers, 2s lipo, voltmeter, paint, etc. and a Modulus ECS-10 with rhinos and a 3s. I'm tackling a rapidstrike next and kinda want to go all out on it. I'm going with Hellcats with a HB pusher and a graphene 3s and going to try and control rate of fire with a pwm. I ordered a couple of the red artifact flywheel cages and a couple sets of those blue alloy flywheels with the diagonal grips. Basically my question is, has anyone run those new flywheels and what is your impressions on them?