Alright I've been a member on the forums here for a bit and there's never (according to my nerf war knowledge) been an official nerf out in oregon so as of 2006 there is going to be a semi-annual Nerf Oregon War. Ogopogo and I are organizing the war and there are no official dates yet, but contact us or more prefferably post in this thread if you are able to attend. There is going to be one war around spring time and one during the fall. The wars will be held at my house which is located about 30 min. south of Salem. I know to about %99 of you this post doesn't apply but I wanted to announce this so I can get the word out. I will have pictures of the location up tommorrow.
I credit Ogopogo for taking the initiative to try and organize something I was too lazy to start by myself
- NerfHaven
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: Jakethesnake
Member Since 10 Mar 2005Offline Last Active Nov 29 2007 03:04 PM
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Announcing The First Annual Now (nerf Oregon War)
01 January 2006 - 11:50 PM
Triple Pump Tubed At2k
18 September 2005 - 06:45 PM
I posted this modification on nhq, but for those of you who do not browse the forums over there, here is my triple pump tubed At2k (that's the best name I could come up with, sorry). The idea here is to make three pump tubes instead of the normal single one. If all goes right, the number of pumps it takes to prime the gun should be significantly less. I used two 1/2" pieces of pvc to make the extra pump tubes. The plunger shafts are 1/2" cpvc and the makeshift plungers are o-rings surrounded by a few wraps of electrical tape. Enough said, it takes about 2 pumps to prime the air tank. Here are the pics.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, the vinyl tubing plugs in directly to the end of the original pumpshaft right before the one-way rubber valve.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, the vinyl tubing plugs in directly to the end of the original pumpshaft right before the one-way rubber valve.
Pulsator 4000
26 June 2005 - 07:52 PM
I'll posted this at NHQ but I'm a member here too heh? Alright, well as I said in my previous thread about my 12 barrel titan, I promised to step things up as a member here. So without furthur ado, I give you the Pulsator 4000. It's a pulsator with 2 At2k internals integrated into it. The one cool thing about this is that the handle that pumps the pulsator now pumps both at2k's at once, cutting priming time in half. I didn't have enough cpvc lying around to modify the turrets, but it works perfectly. The triggers are independent of each other, letting you fire them one at a time. I suppose you could fire them both at the same time but you'd have to have one long trigger finger. Any questions, comments?
Titan As-v.12
23 June 2005 - 06:18 PM
Alright, well I've been a member on this site for quite a while and although I know a lot about nerf, I've never really contributed much of anything, this summer I've decided to step things up. While constructing my own FAR I ordered the main spring, I'm still waiting for it to come in the mail so I've decided to do a little modification to my titan. Instead of one shot, I've made that into 12 shots, It gets 50-60 ft flat, depending on which stefan you measure. The barrels are made out of cpvc and I used aquarium tubing to join the barrels into one group. This really isn't very practical in a war but messing around with it is a blast, I'm going to make a speed loader to complete the set.
Oregon Nerfers
17 March 2005 - 11:53 PM
Is there anybody in Oregon who nerfs, if there is, i haven't found them yet, please let me know, thanks.
- NerfHaven
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