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Member Since 16 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 22 2017 07:04 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Stryfe hornet integration

09 February 2017 - 08:24 PM

Parents think modding is a waste of time and effort they don't think it's cool they say I have to many guns I only have like 8 that's why. thanks for the advise

In Topic: Stryfe hornet integration

06 February 2017 - 09:08 PM

Yah I can't get epoxy puddy parents won't let me buy it if I do it I will probably just connect it with super glue,hot glue and liquid epoxy any thanks for the reply is your crossbow the original 1995 version if so that's so cool I have always wanted one
Yah I can't get epoxy puddy parents won't let me buy it if I do it I will probably just connect it with super glue,hot glue and liquid epoxy and maybe metal and it plastic sheets and screws any thanks for the reply is your crossbow the original 1995 version if so that's so cool I have always wanted one