We used some of these in the last SENC war I attended recently. Turns out that due to the design, the center part of the dart head collapses and teh outside edges don't. This leaves a less than desirable physical form when hitting bare skin and hurts a lot more. We don't recommend them.
- NerfHaven
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: justaguycalledv
Member Since 05 Jul 2016Offline Last Active Apr 02 2020 03:52 PM
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In Topic: Similar design, but NEW DARTS
10 May 2017 - 09:08 AM
In Topic: Pump-Action Dart Zone Magnum
28 October 2016 - 09:16 AM
Nice mod. How cumbersome is it to reach around the drum to pump the weapon? Looks like it might require some seriously long arms to do that.
In Topic: Elec springer vs flywheel
28 October 2016 - 09:13 AM
This seems to be a classic debate that has been going on for a bit now. Electric springers like the Stampede are often seen to give a more consistent power per shot. Flywheels are seen as being able to get higher power. With the springers you can upgrade to get more power of course but you then have to up the voltage to keep from drastically reducing your rate of fire. Doing both can give you very consistent shots at some moderately good rates of fire. With flywheels you can do the host of well-known mods: voltage and motor upgrades to increase power. switch upgrades to decrease time to maximum rev speed and improve consistency in the speed of shots, and even cage replacements to induce spin on darts and such.
It's really a matter of what you feel comfortable doing. The biggest thing about voltage mods is having to do some rewiring to replace the crappy wire with 16 gauge or higher wiring which can handle the higher voltage. Replacing switches isn't too hard but will probably require some minor epoxy work internally to place them properly. Replacing springs is straightforward as well but you have to always remember to upgrade the catch spring as well if needed as they are usually the weak point in the system with the improved force.
In Topic: Shields: Do you love them? Hate them? Ban them? Permit them?
06 October 2016 - 09:48 AM
We have a member of the South East Nerf club that regularly uses the stonewall shield in his left hand and a Slingfire in his right (because he can prime it with one hand obviously). He is very good at blocking incoming fire with it. I'm seriously considering trying one out myself.
- NerfHaven
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