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Member Since 31 May 2016
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2017 09:58 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I'm Scared My Gun Might Blow Up In My Face

09 November 2016 - 08:12 PM

but then i couldnt get the springs back.... the retaliator costs 45 freakin bucks in korea alone.... also it seems pretty stable. although the smart AR is getting a bit glitchy. sometimes it works some times not. but the increase in accuracy and sheer power is probably worth it.

You could just get the OMW retaliator replacement spring, and by the time you'd want your springs back id assume your gun would be toast, so you can just cut into the shell

In Topic: I'm Scared My Gun Might Blow Up In My Face

07 November 2016 - 07:36 PM

You could, as dangerous as this sounds, unscrew the thing, smother each screw in some sort of glue or epoxy, and then screw it back in for additional support

In Topic: Ohio Hell Before Halloween

05 October 2016 - 04:43 PM

Do you know what the predicted attendance is going to be? Because ironically, this war is my bday :) and I might drive the 3hrs to come here if attendance is high enough

In Topic: What water gun to mod

02 August 2016 - 02:57 PM

The only super soakers I know of are the Hydro Cannon and the Super Soaker Max D 2000. There are a lot more, but their names evade me

In Topic: 17/32 Brass Vs 9/16 Brass: What fit for elites

30 July 2016 - 10:54 PM


K&S 19/32" is a really sloppy fit, since its ID is .570"
K&S 9/16" is a loose fit with an ID of .5345" which is way too loose for springers unless it's part of a hybrid/telescope barrel.
K&S 17/32" has an ID of .503" and should fit stock darts (name brand or not) really well. It did the last time I used it.
And no, none of them make a "perfect" seal because you're interfacing brass with brass. Even when you screw brass fittings together tightly you have to dope, tape, or gasket the joint to get it to seal pressure. They wouldn't be able to slide inside of each other if they were toleranced really closely either. You're going to sacrifice a tiny fraction of your range potential in favor of having the convenient of a brass breech.
I've generally not been particularly happy using brass for barrels because the downsides are

  • Really difficult to glue to anything to it. Usually best to just nest it inside of something else using electrical tape instead, which also helps to mitigate the next issue...
  • Easily damaged because the walls are so thin.
  • Tarnishes, lymes, and gets ugly really quickly.
  • An extremely smooth interior surface is great for air-powered blasters, but not particularly preferable with springers.

For my BBB I currently have 12 inches of 17/32 nested in 1/2' PVC. But yeah, I can't seem to rear load stock elites into it, except for some reason, zombie strike elites (which I know are a repaint).