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Member Since 14 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2016 06:36 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hyperfire First look and easy mod guide

25 April 2016 - 06:26 AM

that looks pretty cool, can it only use the drum mags or can it use the standard mags?


In Topic: Arena in Elgin, Scotland

21 April 2016 - 07:20 AM

unfortunately at the moment there is just the one level, although that may change over time.

We had thought about changing the theme every so often- starting off with an army theme, then maybe a space theme, zombie theme etc.


I had thought about using stacked boxes/crates/drums etc, a few people I spoke to thought scenery might be better although its just going to be a bit of trial and error to start with.


Over here it does just seem to be guns and ammo although blasters does sound  a lot better than guns, I think I may have to adopt it lol


Ive tried to add a few pictures of one of the bits of scenery- still a work in progress as the fence needs some more paint and the texture added to the base of it


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In Topic: Arena in Elgin, Scotland

18 April 2016 - 02:25 AM

we have taken on an old church, and converting the main hall into the arena. As far as we know there isn't another one in Scotland, but I may be wrong. the church gives us loads of room, plenty of height and something that little bit different to the normal nerf activities here which is usually run in a school gym hall with blow up inflatable scenery.

if I can work out how to add pictures on here (not very computer savvy) I can put up pictures of our scenery- so far we have the ammo/gun store, which is an old shed that ive rebuit, repainted and just generally made it better which is going to be raised up off the ground by about 4 feet. Ive built a few fences to hide behind and I'm trying to finish off an old style army jeep front end which will have "crashed" through one of the walls. We hope to be open in the first week of May all going well.


Just curious- what sort of scenery would you expect/like to see in an arena? I'm still in the building mood for scenery lol- we are hoping to change the scenery every few weeks to keep things fresh