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Member Since 23 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2016 01:20 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Xplorer mods from singapore

31 March 2016 - 01:53 PM

I can't say I've seen any Worker mod kits aside from the Retaliator Pump kit. I've definitely not seen anything for the Longstrike from them. Can you point me in the right direction please? I did order an Artifact Retaliator breach kit from tacticoolfoam, a new business from a forum member. Just wanted to support our local entrepreneurs you know.

In Topic: Recon Mk2 Not Working

28 March 2016 - 09:27 PM

i got my replacement. everything fits! including my drum mags.

In Topic: Discussion of dead/dying brands and blasters

28 March 2016 - 09:23 PM

The Sentinel is amazing performance-wise. It shoots harder than any Nerf i have, and I have a lot. The shell feels a bit cheap but the internals are pretty hardcore.

In Topic: Recon Mk2 Not Working

24 March 2016 - 11:31 PM

I'm actually going through this process at the moment. I submitted a ticket at their help page https://hasbro-new.c...elp.com/app/ask and simply let them know that the Recon I does not work with my other Nerf cartridges.

Someone got back to me very quickly and asked me for some information like the number stamped into the bottom of the blaster and some numbers that are molded into the side. They also sent me a prepaid label. Basically they'll replace it with one of the new blasters after they receive my return. I haven't gotten the replacement yet but they've been very pleasant to deal with so far. Good luck!