You also started a thread on Sledgefire springs. Did you see the MTB video and are you trying to replicate that?
- NerfHaven
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: nerfsamurai
Member Since 22 Feb 2016Offline Last Active Jun 13 2017 10:14 PM
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- Age 24 years old
- Birthday June 10, 2000
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In Topic: barrels
13 June 2017 - 10:15 PM
In Topic: 3rd party MEGA darts?
12 June 2017 - 09:51 PM
I've had these reccomended to me
Haven't bought them yet but thinking about it .
In Topic: sledgefire replacement springs
12 June 2017 - 09:49 PM
In Topic: nerf styrfe mod questions
30 June 2016 - 07:21 PM
You have to select your motors first before selecting a battery. MTB motors are freaking great. They make a 6 volt one now called a Honeybadger as well as the HellCat which is an 180 size and needs shell modification. Your lipo will be based off the current draw from your motors as well as its voltage draw. The Honeybadger and 180 need a 2S but very different currents. I would also recommend 2000 mah minimum.
In Topic: OMW Unleashed Stage 1 kits for Retaliator and Longshot (cs-12) reliabl
22 March 2016 - 11:27 PM
OMW is not the only kit maker. The Australians have one and Blaster Parts exists. Blaster Parts can be sourced in the US through Containment Crew. All offer tons of upgrade at different Price points. Will you be doing a Brass Breech mod or installing a pump grip? The OMW stuff isn't as good as the other options in my opinion. Stage 1 is good I feel the Oz Nerf Nerd kit was just as good though. Stage 2 is unnecessary in my experience if you know how to pad a plunger. I have not broken a bolt sled even with a Blaster Parts spring and a brass breech. But I do take meticulous care of my blasters, Some may say too much.
- NerfHaven
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