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Member Since 13 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active May 12 2017 09:41 PM

Topics I've Started

Sentinel Mod: Brass Breech + K26 [video]

03 July 2016 - 12:25 AM

So this is my first mod and my first time making a brass breech. 

I originally posted this on /r/nerf and was told to post up here to. The blaster was fantastic out of the box, but I was really motivated to see what it could do and the internals didn't scare me anywhere near what most other blasters do. I made a ton of mistakes but learned a lot in the process, The end product is a lever action blaster that is crazy easy to prime that pulls mid 120's to high 130's. 

After looking through Van's Sentinel guide (which I just found.... man do I wish I had looked at that before doing this mod!), if I were to do this again, I'd say skip the brass breech. It definitely lowers the rate of fire like crazy and I'm interested in getting another one and popping in the [k26] just to see how things change. 


Here's the video. Let me know how else you think it can be improved.

Adult Parkour Gym Nerf War in Rochester, NY Jan. 15th 6-8pm

13 January 2016 - 02:09 PM

Hey everyone,


If you're in the Rochester, NY area this weekend, the Rochester Parkour Gym is hosting another war for adults ages 16+. These battles are unlike any other as they are done in a custom built parkour gym. You can climb on things, hide inside or behind things, and work together in a tight, urban-like arena.  


This is a team battle, so register your team of 3-4 players and you'll get to compete together. Light mods are allowed (<110 fps) and only elite darts are provided by us. Eye protection is required! 


Click Here to register ($10 per person).


Here's a short video from our last battle.