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Member Since 23 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 23 2024 04:14 AM

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In Topic: Where to buy Mabuchi FK-180SH-3240 Motors?

02 May 2016 - 10:39 PM

Thank you everyone for responding to my question, you all have been very helpful! I'll look into some better batteries (S2 or S3's) and probably get some FK-180's for the mod I'm working on.


If you find it hard to source genuine 3240's, I've quoted this from torukmakto's blog


"A hint is that 12900RPM @ 3.0V also identifies a 3240 if the seller doesn't mention which wind their motors are. And stay away from the various other winds of these, the FF metal brush versions, and all the gazillions of FK130SH-xxxx listings. They are NOT what you want."


Link to Source of Info : http://torukmakto4.b...VVNZPLKSv3Wr3PR

In Topic: Where to buy Mabuchi FK-180SH-3240 Motors?

28 April 2016 - 05:06 PM

Alright. But would you think the FK-180 are better than the MTB Rhinos or if the Rhinos are modified enough to be the better choice over 180's? I don't much mind the shell modifications if 180's give better performance.

There are a lot of mixed opinions, but I say go for the 3240 due to it being a more balanced motor and can run a 2S pack which can be smaller than the 3S packs that rhinos use.

In Topic: Where to buy Mabuchi FK-180SH-3240 Motors?

27 April 2016 - 09:26 PM

What are the differences between the two motors? I've heard that FK-180's are overall the better choice over most of the upgraded 130's


Usually 180 motors have more torque compared to 130 which can sustain rapid firing but require shell cutting.

In Topic: Sleeper Breech Longshot

18 February 2016 - 09:32 PM

There is no "standard" length barrel. Each breech is cut to the length that most appropriately suits the spring force behind it. I've found that there's little difference between a Sleeper breech with 14kg and a near-perfect seal with a "faux barrel" length brass barrel, to a full foot of brass inside another 14kg Hybrid Sleeper breech. That is to say, both are hitting around the 200fps mark with FVJ darts (the Australian dart of choice).

Alright thank you for the help then. I'll probably complete my own sleeper breech someday.

In Topic: Sleeper Breech Longshot

12 February 2016 - 04:14 AM

What do you mean by standard barrel? Barrel length and dart fit vary wildly as well, You could get completely different ranges in two different longshots depending on dart fit in the brass or spring load.  

By that I would mean a standard sleeper breech barrel compared to a foot long brass barrel of the same method. Sorry if I had confused you.