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Member Since 13 Jul 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2015 04:35 PM

Topics I've Started

Help with 'Tricky' Nerf War Rules

21 November 2015 - 04:09 PM

I've been Using this set of Nerf Rules for wars with my friends:



There are a few tricky rules in here that I need help with solving, maybe you guys have Ideas?

Nerf Rockets:

There are rules for making Hand Grenades in here, but what about Nerf Rockets (Like the ones that come with the Demolisher) The Best I can do right now is Say its an instant kill if it touches you, but there should be some Explosion rules or something, I just can't quite put my finger on it.


Taking Damage:

Beyond You have 3 Lives and if you get shot in the stomach you're dead, How do you guys consider taking damage? Do Gut Wounds have a 1 Minute time until you bleed out? If you do patch it up or something, what are the penalties? I'm good for Limb shots (You can't use them) I'm having trouble with Torso's.


This is it for now, I'll edit in new ones later.

A whole Bunch of Random Nerf Questions

27 August 2015 - 02:57 AM

Hello again, my very helpful community! I have some More questions and problems, some of which I've partially solved. Take a look!

1. Claymores
I've watched Numerous Videos on NERF Claymores being Built on the spot that are effective, but they all have one thing: Springs! And this is the one thing I cannot don't have in my dads W-shop. Does anybody know a link or know how to make a claymore without the use of a spring? I would like to use them in Combat with my friends, but as of now... I can't.

2. Vechicles
Not really a big prob. I know I could just cut holes into a big Box. Any Cooler Ideas though? Or hints and tips?

3. I kinda fixed my Lngshot CS-6
So I made a post a while ago about how my CS-6 wasn't working, I kinda found a way to fix it, its annoying though. The first shot is fine, but when I cock it back for a second shot, its like I'm dryfiring, the bullet doesn't even budge. IDK! So everytime I pull the clip out and put it back in, it works. Not sell worthy yet.

My Roughcut 2x4 help
Similar to M Longshot issue, the bottom 2 Holes on my Roughcut will NOT shoot. like Never. Its a good gun, good spread and power, but when I fire those last 2... its like I'm dry firing. Can anyone help?

Raider and Longshot Troubleshooting Help

05 August 2015 - 10:01 AM

If you have read it, I made a post a while back on the Triad, and thanks to your help, my problems are now fully resolved with that weapon, now moving on to 2 Bigger Primaries, the Raider CS-35 and Longshot CS-6

The Raider, a perfect Slam-Fire High-Cap Weapon, If It'd ever shoot the darts! I Like to use the 6-Dart Mags with t sometimes for Mobility in battle and ease of Reloading, but when I do, the Bullets get jammed frequently. I only use 6 darts a mag (Even though you can fit 7, DON'T DO THIS FYI jams are frequent) and when I do put in 6, they always get jammed. The bullets are in Mint condition, no Fraying or holes. If I Only put 1 or 2 darts in the mag it'll shoot well over 60ft, but it jams at top capacity, can anyone help?

Another Fine weapon, my problem with this one though is that the Bullets will not shoot AT ALL. Every 12 or so shots Ill get 1 bullet out at Modest speed and range, but not as good as it should. It doesn't jam either, I cock the weapon with relative Ease, and when I fire nothing but Air comes from the Barrel. I'll take the mag out, and inside the Tube, the bullet is there! I can cock and shoot all day but that sucker won't come out, forcing me to remove it manually. Can anyone help with this one? I really love the gun but fear I have to get rid of it since its taking up space.

Any solution helps, mods or repairs.

Triad Troubleshooting Help

03 August 2015 - 06:54 PM

So as we all know, the Triad Ex-3, a Standard Side-Arm For Nerf Soldiers doesn't have a Magazine or Revolver, just the open holes on the end. This allows for Great power and Range, but little Accuracy, and another fatal downfall; the bullets pop out! When ever I load a random dart into the gun, its like it just decides to spit it out again. I HATE THIS! I have never abused the weapon in anyway and am using fresh darts but it just will not stop spitting out darts! Same thing with other Breach-loaded weapons, my Roughcut 2x4 behaves this way frequently too. Can anyone help?

Air Restrictor Removal Cons

29 July 2015 - 03:35 PM

Hello Nerfhaven! This is my first post so bear with me if I make a few mistakes :rolleyes:

So I have recently been getting into Nerf a lot more than I have been recently, and like anyone with Internet, has seen Nerf Mods.

So from what I've gathered, removing the AR on almost all guns (except ones that require them) is a Simple and effective mod, but I've also heard other things about doing so, such as the Weapon will lose quality and just generally get worn down, but have also heard people say its perfectly fine and doesn't harm the weapon.

Whih of these is true? and if it does damage over time, how do I prevent this?