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Member Since 28 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2015 11:28 PM

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Indoor Arena for So Cal Nerf players!

31 March 2015 - 12:32 AM

Hello Nerfer's,

We are doing some testing to see if a permanent Indoor Air Blaster(Nerf) Arena would be Viable in Southern California specifically in Orange County.
I want to keep this post as Brief as possible because its very likely some things will be changed.

From July 3-5 2015 myself and some family/friends will be renting out a warehouse in Northern Orange County California(Anaheim, I wont share anymore information than that Until closer to the date to avoid any type of sabotage.)
We will be preparing the inside of the warehouse similar to an Indoor Paintball or Airsoft arena and it will be set up completely different each of the 3 days.(we have been working on some really cool designs)
Friday and Saturday July 3-4 will be Open to all Nerfer's age's 6 and up with any Blaster shooting under 150fps, Sunday July 5 will be open to all Nerfer's 6 and up until 5pm after 5pm the Age Requirement will be ages 13 and up(under 18 will need to be accompanied by an adult) and the Air blaster max FPS will no longer have a cap(within reason) please take into consideration this is an indoor arena you dont need the strongest firing weapon speed really is your best friend here.

Eye protection(if you don't like the goofy safety glasses bring your own goggles), Nerf Blasters(Modded and Stock) and Darts will be available to be loaned and/or to rent if perhaps the friends you want to bring don't have blaster's of their own.

People are encouraged to bring their own equipment as long as it isn't inappropriate for children ages as young as 6 years old.

If you bring a modified blaster please keep it under 150fps, We will be doing Crono tests on all blasters before any game play.

There will be drinks and snacks available for sale or complimentary water.

There will be no charge to anybody who comes out to participate and have fun, food/drinks,blaster rentals excluded and extra ammo excluded.

Each player will be given a stock of 100 darts to start with. If you need more you can purchase more.

You can bring your own darts but we are only allowing the Nerf Elite style with suction cup or rubber tip Darts this also Includes all the Chinese knockoff brands.

We plan on doing Three game types-

Team Death Match
Team Capture the Flag
and our own Indoor Arena Mix on HvHvZ

Safety is our #1 Priority so everybody will be absolutely required to wear safety goggles at all times while on the field there will be no exceptions! This will be explained more in depth before game play.
All players under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

These games will be heavily moderated(referee'd) If you dont plan on playing by the rules you would be wasting your time even showing up.

I am ready to answer any Questions you may have or if you are looking to RSVP please just leave a reply here or email me @ TheNerfSmith@yahoo.com