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Nick Vanderplop

Member Since 18 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2018 05:50 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Preview: Rapidstrike Electronic Fire System

06 January 2017 - 05:27 PM

...Shut up and take my money.


I LOVE the OLED display. Really sets it apart from anything else I've seen, which uses 7-segment displays. (which I despise for some reason)

Amazing. Just amazing. I wish I was that electrically inclined. But alas I am not.

In Topic: [REVIEW] Knock-off Elite Suction Darts!

13 December 2015 - 01:29 PM

If the darts are as good as this post indicates, I think it would be worthwhile to use a powersander to grind off some of the tip so they don't get stuck in barrels (Alpha Trooper barrel, for instance). I occasionally host small wars (5-15 people) and we practise a form of 'dart socialism' where everyone brings a bunch of darts, puts them in a bucket, then uses the bucket to reload their guns, and when the war is over, people all take home some. Also, since stock Elites (which is what everyone always brings) are universal, in-game dart scavenging is a large factor, as there are generally less than 150 darts on the field at any given time. Therefore, whenever I choose darts, I have to choose them for compatibility with not only my own gun(s), but EVERYONE ELSE'S guns too.

In Topic: [IL] S.C.S.N.W. presents... Foam-ieval Times Dinner & Tournament

05 May 2015 - 04:45 PM

Sounds awesome! I will definitely try to be there, but that may be a problem as I live in Northwest IN, and have about a 3-hour drive to get to Joliet :(

In Topic: Nerf Roughcut Coupler Mod

07 April 2015 - 01:00 PM

Langley, what mav said. Astetics wise the roughcut is more comfortable I'm my opinion to a nitefinder. You are right about the plungers the are about the same size. The springs are way weaker to a nitefinder a stock springs but until someone make steel gears you're stuck with the stock springs. The only problem with doing this mod is the big gaping hole in the front of the blaster.

Good heavens, you dont have to keep the stock springs in there!
sure, the gears are a limitation to the springs you put in there, but you dont have to keep the stock springs.


In Topic: How to make better Slug darts

07 April 2015 - 10:07 AM

Where do you get the hot-pink foam? AL I could find was this gray stuff and the darts I make out of it are really hard to find.

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