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Member Since 13 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 31 2017 11:39 PM

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In Topic: Hot glue gun recomendation

13 March 2015 - 03:54 PM


I am making slugs, not glue domes. I figured since I am having some difficulties with the slugs that I should just keep working at it until I master it. I may go down the super glue route if it continues to be a pain in the rear, but for now I think I'll keep trying with the hot glue.

@Ice Nine

I will definitely give that method a shot. Seeing as low temp is melting the foam already, I don't think there should be too many issues with your proposed method. so

I am intrigued by the light dimmer modification. I've just been hitting the switch on my power strip to regulate the temp, but that is a bit of a pain. I was considering modding a power switch onto my glue gun cable, but the dimmer would probably be a better solution.

I would also love to see some photos of JLego's glue gun. Not sure if I should PM him or just wait and see if he see's this, so I will just hang out for a bit.

In Topic: [PA] Nerf War at Plains Airsoft Arena, Sunday March 22nd

11 March 2015 - 01:22 PM

I would like to attend, but I will have to check with my girlfriend to see if we have anything planned.

I will say that there is a 90% chance of me attending.

In Topic: Hot glue gun recomendation

11 March 2015 - 11:57 AM

As much as I didn't want that to be true, I had a hunch that was the case.. I am going to continue to use the stuff since I still have a good 200' left.

Thanks for the info Duxburian.