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Member Since 18 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2014 06:46 PM

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In Topic: Georgia War: REKT

19 October 2014 - 05:03 PM

Recap of the Century, of the week:

+ First NIC war!
+ Getting to see, hear, touch, and especially feel some really serious blasters.
+ Meeting truly awesome people.
+ Seeing really wonderful community (here's looking at you, Red).
+ Being singled out and welcomed as a newcomer by everyone.
+ Manlove. Oh so much manlove.
+ All you can eat dinner with friends!
+ Selfies.
+ Getting a nerf name: Crush!
+ Getting a secondary nerf name! (A gentleman doesn't ask)
+ Mentoring and experience. All the reading you can do on the sport can't compare with going out and doing it, and doing it wrong and being helped along. Thanks ya'll.
+ Zing bow in a REKT round.
+ Finding out mid-round that I have no idea how to mod a blaster.
+ Wearing a cup and getting shot in it.
+ Wearing short shorts and getting shot in the thighs.
+ Getting shot. It's just great.
+ Tank Top Tan! By which I mean burn.
+ Joining the NIC, more officially kinda.
+ Getting compared to legends. Only a little, granted, but a man's ego likes a little something now and again.
+ Nerfing. I mean, have you guys tried it? You should.

Okay, granted, there were some downers
- Admittedly, dart sweeps are not the most awesome.

Seriously good fun. Thank you, all of you who gave so much so this war could happen!