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Member Since 25 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2016 08:55 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Destiny Red Death Replica

26 July 2015 - 08:33 AM

Great work, but I have just one suggestion. I highly recommend covering the blade in some sort of foam because if you're using that in a war and accidentally hit someone with it it will hurt like hell.

I totally agree with you. Safety is important. But this project was more oriented to people who participate in cosplay and do not really use their blasters. I think covering it with foam would take away from the overall looks and probably not prevent accidents.

In Topic: Customizable Minimized Nerf Rapidstrike Mod

20 July 2015 - 05:35 AM

Nice write-up, looks sweet.

Am I correct in assuming that that 'scope' is PVC?

Thanks! And yes that is a pvc scope. Forgot to mention it :)

In Topic: 2015 Mod Contest Submission Thread

19 July 2015 - 07:17 AM

Here is my write-up for my rapidstrike modification

Customizable Minimized Rapidstrike Modification Write-up

Posted Image

The only thing is I am not sure about is if this satisfies the criteria:

5. The write-up must be easily understood by new nerfers

I explain the process to the best of my abilities and include detailed pictures, but the nature of this modification is a little advanced. I'd love to hear what other people think about the difficulty level.

In Topic: The Stampede-Strike Integration

24 September 2014 - 09:40 PM

The blaster looks good. It's a good documentation of a shell integration for anyone interested in doing it.

I think Rapeede would be a funny name. The ending pronounced like the ending of Stampede (like a Frenchman saying Rapid) but it has the eerie similarity to 'diddled' in written form (bonus points).

Thanks coop. It means a lot coming from you. Unfortunately I couldn't call it the rapede because my parents watch all my videos and they would not approve :)

In Topic: The Stampede-Strike Integration

19 September 2014 - 05:07 PM

Great writeup it reminds me of coops strypede a little bit.

Yeah thanks I mentioned in the beginning that it was based off of coop's idea. It was a commission so the commissioner wanted a strypede with a rapidstrike.