Member Since 30 Apr 2014Offline Last Active Jul 25 2015 11:48 AM
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DillPicklesss → Sinaz20
Hey, how's the low-profile maverick conversion going? :)
Dec 12 2014 11:19 AM
DillPicklesss → Defender 7
Hey, how much for sledgefire to 55436?
(And how has it been modded?)
Aug 19 2014 10:11 PM
(And how has it been modded?)
DillPicklesss → Aeromech
Hey, how much for all jolts to 55436?
Sorry, can't message or post. :/
Aug 19 2014 10:09 PM
Sorry, can't message or post. :/
DillPicklesss → Duke Wintermaul
Hey Duke, thanks again for the spiderman wrist blasters, they're great.
I was just looking through old posts and whatnot when I realized I missed that you had a full OMW Retaliator. How much would you sell it for?
Aug 19 2014 12:53 AM
I was just looking through old posts and whatnot when I realized I missed that you had a full OMW Retaliator. How much would you sell it for?
Keola88 → DillPicklesss
The EAT and tac vest are both pending trades. Unless the trade falls through on them. I will keep you posted.
Jul 30 2014 06:14 PM
DillPicklesss → eversor-revertimortuus
Hey, and nerf wars coming up closer to Minneapolis?
May 21 2014 03:54 PM
DillPicklesss → bennorco
How much for your super max 750 and stryfe with 12 dart clip?
May 19 2014 05:32 PM
DillPicklesss → snickers
Hello there, I take it you do 3d printing commissions? Is there any chance you could make a 3 sledgefire shell rail-mounted holster for the top of my sledgefire? I removed the stock and need an easy, reliable place for my shells.
Let me know, thanks!
May 19 2014 03:43 PM
Let me know, thanks!
DillPicklesss → Zack Dorris
Nah, don't have that much. You can drop the Reflex and barrel. I'll take the rayven (with mag) and furyfires for $20.
May 19 2014 07:40 AM