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Member Since 18 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 11 2016 02:28 PM

Topics I've Started

Coloring/Painting Darts?

30 April 2014 - 08:23 PM

I was wondering if any one had suggestions of how to make darts more visible/easier to find, I have looked around but have not seen much. I have tried with spray paint, but it doesn't work well, and it wears off really fast. I would really appreciate some suggestions, because i am using the McMaster FBR, and it is a pain to find. In the picture, from left to right, it is Red spray paint, White spray paint, plain.
Posted Image

First home made tips

20 April 2014 - 08:35 AM

For any one who is planing on building their first home made, it will most likely cost about 50-60$. If you want it to work well, then I recommend using TheNerfOmania's Snapbow (a gun with a cloths pin trigger) tutorial. That was what I used for my first home made, and it worked amazingly well, getting a good 70 feet with stock darts. I just completed it a week ago, and have used it in a war. I have not yet tried it with stefans (home made darts), but I am guessing that it will reach or pass 100 feet. I highly recommend this tutorial, I know that it is long, but you get to see every thing that he does. I hope that this helps, and good luck!
TheNerfOmania's Tutorial/Thread