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Member Since 14 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2014 04:13 PM

Topics I've Started

Shot in the Arm Challenge

27 August 2014 - 07:01 AM

So me and a couple of other nerfers (Liam Davis and Chris Cartaya) decided to make a new challange, the result of this was the shot in the arm challenge. The shit in the arm challenge is sort of like ALS ice bucket in that there is an out clause. Rules of the shot in the arm challenge are:

-When nominated, you have two choices:
1.) Shoot yourself point blank in the arm with your most powerful blaster
2.) Donate $10 to a charity of the challenger's choice (this is the out clause)

-There is also a fps record for blasters that shoot over 230 fps. If you want to go for the record, you
have to do a chronograph at the beginning of your video

Just trying to spread awareness of this challenge so nobody gets confused when they get nominated.

Possible Demolisher Mod

12 August 2014 - 06:27 PM

Has anyone considered the possibility of turning the missile launcher into a built in HAMP?

LS Help

06 July 2014 - 12:59 PM

Recently tried modding a longshot (standard AR and lock removal, 3 spring combo) and it will not fire. Only real sign of damage is some ABS warp where the PT and the breech connect. Please help.

New Blasters

04 July 2014 - 05:06 PM

Whilst searching target's website I noticed that the Cam ECS-12 and the Attacknid are both available for pre-order! For about a 90 to 100 dollar order. :(

We don't need threads dedicated to new blasters unless you have real information or an internals breakdown

Official Indiana war (sorry)

29 May 2014 - 09:35 PM

It is official, the war WILLhappen this June!
THis will be an indoor war, so no homemades, singled titans, or singled hydrocannons.

The church has 2 stories, the top floor has lots of random crap like kiosks, counters, and chairs to use as cover. The bottom floor consists of a bunch of hallways, a small lobby, and a gymnasium. There are two stairways, the back one being where most of the action is. Top floor is usually best for people who like to use ranged attacks and the bottom floor is mostly cqb. Sorry, I do not have any pics. Btw, since we are using a church, NO SWEARING! If you feel the urge, say something like pineapple instead.

Main game types:
-capture the flag
-civil war

P.S. We are down for carpe, but YOU have to bring the stuff for it.