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Member Since 15 Dec 2002
Offline Last Active Jun 17 2005 01:06 AM

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In Topic: In Need Of Sniper Rifle

12 May 2005 - 08:46 PM

That'll do it.

Question: What diameter are the tire valves you used? Mine were apparantly .453 diameter, which is far from the truth. They micrometered at about .590. I'm ordering a new drill bit.

In Topic: In Need Of Sniper Rifle

07 May 2005 - 02:44 PM

In process of building a BAMF. I've got most of it done, save for a few parts. My hardware store didn't have a 24'' piece of SCH80 riser. So I got two 12" and the appropriate coupler. I'm having issues with brass tubing. It doesn't seem to exist around here, so I'm going copper I suppose. All of the sizes of actual tubing seem to fit oddly insice of the SCH80, save one. The one is actually a copper fitting that is 12" long and fits over 1/2" copper pipe. That sits in mighty well, and a micro slides down such perfectly. The only problem is that it's only 12" segments. Should I stick with a 12" barrel or get two of them and join them like you did with the brass pieces in your writeup? Also, what is to prevent the inner barrel from flying out along with the dart? You dont mention any method of retention in the plans.

In Topic: New Zing-ring Launcher

05 May 2005 - 09:09 PM

How much do they suck with wind?

In Topic: In Need Of Sniper Rifle

04 May 2005 - 10:04 PM

Heh. Vacc told me about this place before earth found out. He still around?

In Topic: In Need Of Sniper Rifle

03 May 2005 - 10:36 PM

The BAMF sounds like the best idea I've heard of as of yet. I'm thinking I won't do a bleed valve, I'll rig the solenoid up electrically. I remember back in the day having a lot of trouble getting ahold of FBR. Has it become more widely available? Lowe's? Home Depot?

The member numbers here have gotten hella high.