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Member Since 07 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2014 02:54 AM

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In Topic: Release of a New Type of Ammo??

15 January 2014 - 08:16 PM

a test was recently conducted which seemed to suggest that inaccuracy was not greatly influenced by the hole in the dart, and suggested that excess muzzle blast was actually the isue.

By "muzzle blast" i'm assuming you're talking about springers and air-powered blasters...

While firing overvolted Stryfes across an open basketball court I noticed that most of my (almost mint) N-Strike Elite darts would travel straight for about 30 ft. and then abruptly curve off in one direction, almost like a kicked or thrown ball that had some spin on it. Although the inside of the Stryfe barrel is rifled i'm skeptical that this leads to any spin of the dart and the initially straight trajectory tells me that whatever's going on happens to the dart in-flight.

While I have a limited number of Elites at the moment I plan on somehow sealing the holes in a few and testing them. Hell, I might even do a write-up. Unless someone has done it before and I haven't found that post.

EDIT: for completeness

In Topic: Stryfe Modification Overview

15 January 2014 - 06:03 PM

I'm a relatively new Nerfer at this point, but as I was modifying my Stryfes I couldn't help but wonder what the 2 small flaps in the flywheel assembly are for. I don't have any pictures but i'm fairly certain everyone will know what i'm talking about (sry no pics, don't have a photobucket or anything).

I imagine they *might* have some use in left-right stabilization and centering of darts as they get pushed into the flywheels, but I think they also give resistance to the trigger pull, and they could actually decrease accuracy if one of the flaps is in contact with the tail of the dart for a bit longer than the other. That would kinda nudge the dart and angle it to one side.

I did say "Stryfes" as in plural. I went ahead and took out the flaps in one of my blasters and left them in in the other. I'm still on break right now, but as soon as I head back to school i'll be able to take out all the electrical locks and re-do the wiring, and then find a nice open space where I can test out the spread of the 2 blasters. In the mean time, I was just wondering if anybody had actually taken these flaps out before or knew if they were actually beneficial.