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Roland The headless

Member Since 17 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 16 2014 06:19 AM

Topics I've Started

Eastern WA nerf

08 January 2014 - 10:38 PM

I have been thinking of having a nerf war this spring

I live in Spokane so I was thinking of Cda to Davenport Deer Park to Pullman
do we have any Nerfers from this area

What kind of games do you wanna play and where. I have some places in mind

I have some guns and gear
Maybe we can make a team if I can find A few locals to fill it up

Barricade Ext-battery mod

24 December 2013 - 07:40 AM

I hate buying batteries
So you can guess what I did here
First I wanna say I have been having a blast (lol) reading your posts, mods and looking at your pics

I was wandering around a thrift store today and asked if they had any nerf blasters
The guy said he had one in the back and brought out a Barricade RV-10, a belt for a Vulcan and a Longshot scope
He sold them all to me for $5.00
I hated the blaster right from putting batteries in the dang thing.
I figgerd what was the worst thing that could happen is I got a scope and a belt for 5 bucks

On to the mod
Yall have enuph mods for the barricade so I dont have to tell you how to do those

But I wanted to use a RC batt for power
Hmm nowhere to stash it

So stealing a mod for another flywheel blaster I saw
The only difference is I used a rca jack for the blaster end and he used a guitar cable

here is some pix

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This one you can see I soldered the wires to the back of the battery box, this way you can still use 3xAAA if you wanna

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Here you see the female end of the rca connection

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And one all together. I put the connection in the back I hope I can still put on a stock

also voltage up grade from 4.5 Vdc to 7.2 Vdc!

OK that is my first mod write up what did ya think?
Thanks Dan Beaver for helping me fix my pix