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Member Since 23 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Private

Topics I've Started

Want to start a DCNO

06 August 2014 - 06:36 PM

I've been a regular attender of the DCNOs since they started but noted a distinct lack of any DCNOs happening this year. As such, I would like to start one but since I've never organized a Nerf War before, I would like some pointers on how to hold a successful Nerf Outing.

My Firefly Won't Fire

21 May 2010 - 11:19 AM

I replaced my Firefly's barrels with CPVC but when I try to fire it, the darts won't come out. The plunger will slam against the end of the tube but the dart doesn't come out. Can anyone help me here?
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Tek 6 Barrel Replacement

10 October 2009 - 03:26 PM

If any of you bought a Tek Six recently, you'll know that Z-man12's mod won't work on the redesigned turret. However, I devised a mod to help with the new turret.

You need:
* Tek Six turret
* hacksaw
* pliers
* rubber bands
* barrel material of your choice (preferably PETG)

First off, you take the turret out of the gun.
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Secondly, you remove the pegs with a pair of pliers, (if you haven't already)

Thirdly, you cut the turret so it looks like this
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except all the way around

Finally, you slap whatever barrel material you want in there. I haven't tried it but I recommend PETG since it's the most likely candidate to fit.

As a bonus:
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I banded my gun!

Looking For A Local Nerf Club

23 September 2009 - 05:33 PM

Hey guys. I just finished modding my guns to an acceptable standard and now I'm looking for some games to play. You can check the nerfer database for where I live.

New Stefans

14 May 2009 - 06:56 PM

I wanted to make some stefans but I couldn't get any BBs. However I did have some steel washers like the ones used for Captain Slug's stefans but no felt discs. So, I invented a new stefan where you hotglue the washer to one end of the stefan and then put a dome of hot glue over it for safety. Make sure that the hot glue doesn't drip over the ends or it will be a pain in the you-know-where to load your darts.