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Member Since 13 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2016 07:20 PM

Topics I've Started

Verified "Voberry" Darts

24 January 2016 - 10:04 AM

Hey everyone, I had a consistent seller on ebay I liked but they stopped doing nerf darts and when I search through the forum the links are all old.
Anyone have a link for good Voberry darts aka nerf elite like darts that DO NOT have the hard tip (also known as FVJ)? My group runs superstock wars and doesnt allow FVJ so dont want to get them by accident and waste my money.


Modded Swarmfire Spring Help

29 December 2014 - 02:35 PM

I have seen several guides on here about which spring to use in a swarmfire but nearly all of them are expired or are no longer available (including OMW which no longer carries the spring replacement).

Does anyone have any suggestions on which spring to use for a replacement? I know it can be rather finicky and don't want to waste my money on one that wont work