Alright, My nite finder has some issues. I gave it a spring and barrel replacement and a air removal, it only shoots 20 feet with stephans or just spins out of control (these are stephans I purchased from mod man). Stock darts go about 30. There is a couple things that could have caused this problem, I made the plunger caps hole bigger and stuck the barrel in a little bit as I didn't have any epoxy then. Another thing could be because I opened the gun atleast 7 times which is most likely why the plunger is having a hard time coming together. The last is the peice between the plunger cap and plunger is cracked.
If I can't fix this I'll just buy another NF and mod it the right way as I have recently bought some epoxy.
Member Since 17 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Dec 06 2009 05:26 PM