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Dude with a Nerf

Member Since 15 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2014 03:32 PM

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In Topic: Nerf Vulcan mod troubleshooting

29 March 2014 - 11:19 AM

Thanks dudes! I'll check the gearing and belts again. As for the battery, i thought it could be but i've used the same battery on a stock vulcan and it works. It shoots shorter but almost all darts come out of the belt (let's say, missing 1 out of 25)

It's been a little bit of a nightmare modding that vulcan but, I think, if it comes to work finally will be a great relief hehehe. I'll post pictures and videos of my results in some weeks.

In Topic: Nerf Vulcan Batterie Mod

28 March 2014 - 03:50 PM

I suggest to fit one of these, work awesomely on Vulcans, shoot way faster and last longer. I've been using one for almost 4 months without recharging it (almost 30 hours of real time use)


Fits very well on the battery tray, you'll only have to remove some plastic with a cutter and plug it with croc clips to the tray terminals.

In Topic: Nerf Vulcan troubleshooting

21 July 2013 - 09:26 PM

I've gotta say, I think you're an ok modder, but imo the best thing to do with a Vulcan is this:

Lol thanks!

The thing is that it doesn't shoot the darts out anymore ... XD ... i forgot to mention i installed a 12v sealed battery to the gun. I've got 2 and both spin nice, faster, it's the only thing i wanted. The other one works fine but this one doesn't 'spit' the darts, that's why i'm kind of stucked with it... first i thought it could be an issue with the spring, but now I don't know what could it be.

On the other hand, is the vulcan THAAAAAT bad? I mean, is the not-shooting-anymore a common issue with them? or did I just screw it? XD

In Topic: Nerf Vulcan troubleshooting

20 July 2013 - 05:58 PM

Here are the pics!

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If pics of something else might be useful please tell me. Thanks in advance!!