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Member Since 12 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2023 06:12 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: NoMNE 5.0

06 June 2015 - 08:47 PM

Don't know why I'm a maybe because I'm totes coming! Not sure if my dad will be there or not so I'll keep you updated.

In Topic: Georgia War: REKT

21 October 2014 - 05:24 PM

Alright, you know what time it is......

+ I know I'm putting the same thing as everyone else, but I LOVE seeing you guys.
+ Jumping into Bobo's arms when I first saw him.
+ Hearing Red's heartfelt speech. She really does have the kindest heart <3
+ Yelling "USA! USA!" when Bobo basically told the Australians we were better than them.
+ Cardboard cover.
+ RMC. Definitely needs some changes, but hey, I can only hide so much behind Mellow...
+ Using my 5k despite the fact it sprang a leak.
+ The Triceratops/Horny held up well and led me to victory with its great rate of fire compared to everyone else's blasters.
+ Watching everyone take 10 minutes to load their baster and pump to 75...
+ Laughing my ass off at the ESLT.
+ So many smooth moves by others in sword duels. (Did I mention there was a girl fight!?!?!)
+ Got owned a couple times by the lady nerfers.
+ I came back with both my balls despite my shirt...
+ The short time that I was at dinner was pretty great. (Sorry for being a bit of a dick guys.. Just didn't want to butt in)
+ The food at GC, obviouusly.
+ Parking lot selfies!
+ Some girl yelled 'Selfie!' at us while we were doing it.
+ Watching Bobo drool as he played with Crush's Pecs.

- We all got asked A LOT of questions...............
- Getting 100% lost on the way to dinner.
- No bathroom selfies. (Next time the people in there will just see six guys filing out of the stall one by one.)

Seriously though, GREAT war guys! You really are the best group of friends I've ever had and I love you all. Can't wait to see you in December!

In Topic: Next GA Nerf War

30 March 2014 - 03:06 PM

It's a shame about NRev. Well, as I said on that thread, I will be attending. However, my Dad will not be coming. Hopefully our new means of getting war footage and pictures will be sufficient. :D