Really wish I could have made it to this one but I had a hunch I'd be too busy (which proved to be correct). Probably won't be able to Nerf again until October but hopefully this will continue.
I just repainted the orange tips on my blasters. They're not all black- one's mostly OD green and the other is about 50/50 OD Green and black. I'm looking forward to the hello kitty duct tape though. I'm going to be using a lot of that. I modded my stryfe tonight to use a 9V battery but the flywheels are still drying (plasti-dip) so hopefully it'll actually work tomorrow, although I have my 9V Rayven also that I may bring anyway.
Also, there is parking along West Green Lake Way N but also (I think) there's parking on the road to the left of the lawn bowling area on that street that runs parallel to Aurora.
@Taer: Dear god in heaven. Spare us. But that sounds awesome please bring it.
Chopin, please make every effort to make sure your blaster looks whimsical. Orange tips are great but colorful guns are better. If your blaster is scary make sure your (and your friends!) dress is hilarious. I am thinking neon.
Already painted my blaster for Zombie!5 two weeks ago so I don't really feel like painting it again; you're saying that to compensate for this, I need to wear a neon dress? Be careful what you wish for. . .