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Member Since 29 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2014 07:18 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Front grip mod for Stryfe. (and others)

09 February 2014 - 12:18 AM

I find the front grip quite useful if you're using any of the drum mags with the stryfe, my only complaint is that it always accidentally comes off. Thanks for solving that issue for me!

In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

07 February 2014 - 12:53 AM

Some modding I did this week to stave off the boredom:

Stryfe/roughcut masterkey. Somewhat impractical, but still awesome.
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Minimized Rapidstrike; I kept the stock as I feel it balances the baster out a bit and makes one-handed use easier.
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In Topic: New Releases Mod Contest Poll

19 June 2013 - 12:05 AM

As 'new nerfers' were mentioned several times in the brief I got the impression this contest was aimed more at producing guides for people new to nerf. A +bow/Snap/What-have-you in a rampage shell is gonna diddle all of these mods, but I doubt a new nerfer will have even half the skills necessary to produce one.

To me the aim of the contest was:
"Make mod guides that improve the elite blasters as much as possible, but are easy for new nerfers to follow and execute."

Though I could have misinterpreted it.

In Topic: Elite Alpha Trooper – Spring replacement and supporting mods

31 May 2013 - 11:53 PM


I am not a 100% sure, but the Troopers I've gotten lately (and not just the Elite ones) I found the bonding agent used in the seams has been super weak... I got the last Original AT from my local Target, and the seam where the A/R is located was separated out of the box. And when modding my new Elite AT's I was able to pop that back ring off with ease on the first one (super careful on the second, but did it anyway) and was able to hand separate the breech to take out the A/R. That's why I try to warn people about that little ring.

I thought of the hotglue idea, but like you said it has to be precise. I just didn't want to have to keep messing with that. As long as you don't loose the ring it can be reattached at least I was able to do so. If you loose it though, then you're in trouble.

I just thought of an even better and simpler way than hot glue to fix that problem. If the ring bit breaks off the breech, just glue it into to top of the plungerhead. Then you don't need to worry about getting the precise among of hot glue.

In Topic: Elite Alpha Trooper – Spring replacement and supporting mods

30 May 2013 - 09:26 PM

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If you look where I have the red circle and arrow, their is a seam there, that is a small ring holding in the A/R, when I was drilling out my A/R that popped right off, and it happened on 2 Troopers. I lost it the first time, and that will prevent the breech from pushing the plunger back far enough to engage the catch.

If you do pop off that ring bit, the solution I came up with is to just fill the top of the plunger-head with a couple of millimetres of hotglue. You just have to be careful how much you add, too little and the catch still won't engage, too much and the breach won't open all the way.