I have used acrylic paint before. *Shudders.*
If you need to go this route, just remember that a few extra seconds here and there going slowly will save you hours of cleanup when you mess up. Although that applies to everything in life. More specifically on acrylic: layers. You can kinda sorta get by without them with spray paint if you are going for the "melted" look, but it just isn't going to happen with acrylic. Sanding is needed for acrylics, or you will end up wiping off all the paint with your brush because the plastic is too smooth. Also, I personally (others may disagree) like to very lightly wipe down my guns with acetone pre-painting. When the acetone eats the plastic (and it will eat the plastic) it is almost like sanding and leaves a nice matte plastic base. Don't let acetone near a finished gun. And don't breathe the fumes in, etc. As for brushes, don't buy anything spendy, they won't help you paint better quite yet. Be patient with yourself and remember it is OKAY to mess up. Everyone's first paint job looked terrible.
Member Since 29 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Oct 09 2015 09:13 PM