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Member Since 27 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2016 07:24 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Simple Barrel Extension Mod

03 June 2016 - 01:04 AM

Keep in mind that if you do not have an air-tight connection from the main barrel to the tubing you are installing in the faux barrel, this will actually cause worsened ranges rather than improved.

Since you mentioned it, I decided to take apart my Retaliator (which was a pain BTW) and realized that there was an opening in the breech where the dart tooth sits in the primed position. I suppose this will be a problem. Do you think that taking out the AR and adding an upgrade kit would get the air pressure high enough to cause the air to "clog" the gaps in the breech until the dart can leave the barrel?

In Topic: Homemades Forum Policy

12 September 2012 - 01:36 PM

So it's already been decided that I'm either overreacting or deliberately causing a disturbance has it? Alright then, I'm sorry for asking about something that didn't make sense and hoping someone could clear the confusion one way or another.

P.S. Based on Zane's most recent post, I presume mods are allowed to be hypocrites.

In Topic: Homemades Forum Policy

11 September 2012 - 02:43 PM

I suppose there is some discrepancy as to what plans refer to, because to the best of my knowledge plans and concepts are the same thing. Perhaps you should specify that there should be substance/content requirements for concept threads so that only concepts that look like they're going somewhere and deserve attention stay on the board. Then again you can always remove the "plans" part from the board's description. Are the mods offended by my rationality? They shouldn't be.