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Kansas City 1706
Member Since 08 Jun 2012Offline Last Active Feb 10 2024 01:42 PM
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In Topic: 2015 Mod Contest Submission Thread
29 June 2015 - 06:00 PM
In Topic: Homemades Picture Thread
21 March 2013 - 10:26 PM
I built a snap pistol using MIG's 1 inch CPVC coulpler method. The only change is that I cut it in half and sanded it to fit in the 1 1/4 inch PVC, as well as I cut a 1/2 inch PVC coupler in half and gooped that into the 1 inch coupler. I had to use painters tape as a spacer between the 1 inch coupler and the 1/2 inch coupler because I was on vacation and didn't have the adequate materials. Anyway it has 5 inches of a [k26] and has a total of just over 3 inches of draw. I used a 1 1/4 inch drain plug sandwiched between 2 washers to make my plunger head.
FUN FACT: [k26] springs fit in 1/2 inch PVC couplers but can't pass through the ridge in the middle.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I used the other half of both couplers on the back for a spring rest.
In Topic: Interesting 1" CPVC coupler find.
11 February 2013 - 08:53 PM
And yes the 1 1/4" pvc from Lowes does work with the 1" cpvc fittings. Thanks MiG for finding this. I am currently making my own version of an AABow using a 1" cpvc tee. Another thing is that with just a little e-tape a 1/2" pvc coupler fits perfectly into the 1" cpvc tee/coupler, and so does a 3/4" cpvc endcap. Thus, I can easily attach the bow arms and with a little dremel work I can get to the 1/2" pvc coupler to add whatever barrel system I choose.
In Topic: Dremel Recommendations
29 December 2012 - 03:22 AM
Personaly I use an older model of the Dremel called the Multi pro, it is very similar to today's version of the 4000. I think that it is awesome if you use the right bits. You can make great wooden handels as well as being able to use variable speeds.
In Topic: Happy Holidays!
26 December 2012 - 03:23 AM
Happy Holidays!!!
In total I received a ,Retaliator, Rampage with bonus 18 round clip, Stryfe, Rough Cut, Rayven (not an elite one), 30 elite darts, an I-beam pump Air Zone Panther, $50 Lowes gift card, and $100 cash to put towards a few new tools.
(Hopefully I will have pics up later.)
In total I received a ,Retaliator, Rampage with bonus 18 round clip, Stryfe, Rough Cut, Rayven (not an elite one), 30 elite darts, an I-beam pump Air Zone Panther, $50 Lowes gift card, and $100 cash to put towards a few new tools.
(Hopefully I will have pics up later.)
- NerfHaven
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