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The Dominator

Member Since 10 May 2012
Offline Last Active May 22 2012 11:49 AM

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In Topic: Sheffield/Doncaster UK Nerf War

16 May 2012 - 01:16 PM

Sorry if you find my post is "Crap" due to the fact that I was in a bit of a rush, and was not concerned with the fact that my spelling was "poor", and my puctuation was "unsatifactory". I am not exactly the best speller, or any where near that, but I would much rather prefere if you didn't just point out the things that I suck at and consontrated on the acual writing. If you did read it, and though "I would like to annoy this fellow by posting stuff about his spelling and stuff" then I don't really care. If you though " there are a few mistakes in this" and wanted to help me then thank you. But Might I remeind you that just if I suck at spelling and stuff, don't blame the English Educational Facilitys or anything else for that matter.