I've designed a completely Stainless Steel Longshot Boltsled. Tomorrow afternoon I will be having the first prototypes cut out at my machine shop. It will be made of 12&14 gauge 316 Stainless Steel and welded together. I will be producing them all myself. Test samples will be ready to go out as soon as next week.
"Metallic Solutions to Plastic Problems"
I've been a member of the modding community for a couple months, mostly as a lurker. I have focused most of my efforts towards the Longshot, and have accumulated 7 Longshots over a couple months. I really feel like it has the most potential of all blaster released to date. As such I, like a lot of you have heavily modified a couple of mine. Brass breeches and reinforcements, Paint jobs and upgrades.
On my modding adventure I found the stock boltsled was just not cutting it. So I threw one together out of some scrap stainless we had laying around. Its indestructible (under 2000 degrees lol).Its been working like a charm since the day I brought it home.
Since then I have redesigned it in AutoCad to exactly mirror the stock sled. It incorporates all the locks and requires no modification to the blaster (other that a big badass spring to justify having it lol). I got the drawings over to my machine shop yesterday and they will be cutting them out tomorrow when I get there. I'm gonna try to document the development as much as possible.
I created the company: Remedy Metal to handle the products. It is my intent to produce an array of Nerf parts. Most will be focused on the Longshot.
For more information updates and pics check out /www.facebook.com/RemedyMetal. Please "like" it if you are interested in products like this.
By Friday I should have the very first prototype complete. I'll get pics up asap!
Thanks for your time Nerfers