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Defender 7

Member Since 24 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 23 2016 05:44 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: S.C.U.N.P.R.E.P.

08 February 2014 - 01:43 PM

Ahh dang it, can't make this one. But, so now on no more glue domes?

In Topic: Nerf Scene in Vegas?

28 January 2014 - 11:32 PM

I just checked out their page. Why does it seem different compared to other nerf scenes like SCUN Armageddon? And whats with the fee

HvZ, you can't use high powered Nerf blasters. Only air restricter mods, voltage mods, etc. When SCUN is NIC purpose. That's the closest Nerf scene I go to. Only 4 hours away from here.

In Topic: Nerf Scene in Vegas?

28 January 2014 - 09:46 AM

I posted about 2 Vegas wars but the outcome was horrible. The best nerf scene here in Vegas is 702 LV Humans vs. Zombies on Facebook.

In Topic: E.G.G.N.O.G.

20 November 2013 - 10:06 PM

I will be attending.

In Topic: B.O.G.E.Y.M.A.N.

14 October 2013 - 11:15 PM

My parents got the day off. So it looks like I'm coming!