Quite a few months ago I made a drop leg holster for my Recon, out of two A4 size pieces of leather and a bunch of brass bolts (the leather is a bit thick, being around 4-5mm). It works rather well now, after I added a strip of aluminium (functions as a spine). It is sort of ambidextrous if unbolted and put back together, and it has two variable location bolts that can be removed for something like a Rayven. Unfortunately it's size and weight, added to the location of the thigh strap (from a CD case), cause it to move around too much when moving at speed. I could fix that but never got around to it. Also it is probably not a cheap option, I had this stuff already so that is why I used it.
I will probably muck around with it more when the Retaliator hits Australia.
Member Since 23 Jan 2012Offline Last Active Nov 14 2013 05:21 AM