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Member Since 19 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2012 08:50 AM

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noob question broken plunger tube shaft

02 February 2012 - 12:31 AM

So I've a question for you guys I started modding my alpha trooper (while waiting for my plunger rod assembly on my other gun that I'm making from scratch I'll post pics and whatever when I'm done - trying to make a reverse plunder tube type gun with 2 huge springs and pvc tubes and heavy duty bolts to handle all the stress...). Well anyway I was done removing the locks and etc. I have a dremel but no drill, and I saw in some vid tutorials that the other way to remove an AR is to partially cut the tube then dremel the junk outta the thing. Here's the problem when I did as the tutorial showed and I was supposed to bend it open and rip the junk outta the insides of the tube, my tube snapped in two. well i realized oh well it's broken now might as well get the junk out and proceeded to dremel all the junk outta the tube. Can't seem to find videos or tips for "oh-sh**!"-moments like these...

Now here's my question, can I just epoxy the tube together again will it hold? and How do I maintain alignment and factor in for the bits of plastic that were shaved off when I cut the tube?

I'm thinking can I just stick a dart in there to align the thing then just slather epoxy all across the tube, then just scrape the insides with a file to get whatever chunks of the dart end up sticking to the epoxy?

Oh, and while I'm here I've another question is automotive lithium grease and silicon grease different from the things you should use on your gun, the silicon grease i got seems a bit too fine and the lithium grease tends to "freeze up" in high humidity and low temperates... I tried mixing both and it looks like a good consistency but I'm scared to put it on my gun.. O.O