I am really confused about the different models and respectively different packagings of the Nerf Vulcan. Nerf Wikia says there are two different models. The old one that came out in 2008 was packaged with the description "The Largest Full-Auto Nerf-Blaster"
Packaging photo old model: My link
while the new model (which nerf.wikia.com says has a higher range and better reliability) is packaged with the description "Full-Auto Belt-fed Blaster".
Packaging photo new model: My link
I got my Vulcan from ebay and the article-photo clearly showed the new version ("Full-auto Belt-fed Blaster). When I received my package a couple of days before I realized that package-wise I got something different from both two versions mentioned above. I got the following:
Packaging photo: My link
As you can see the package has the description of the old version ("The Largest Full-Auto Nerf Blaster"). But aside from the old description my packaging clearly shows the new Vulcan model. While the old version of the Vulcan had a slightly but noticeable longer barrel my vulcan already has the shorter barrel just as the new version. The ammo belt of the old version didn't have this green dummy-shell at the end. My Vulcan already has the green dummy shell and you can see this green dummy shell on the backside of the packaging. The pictures on my packaging seem to exactly match the new model. The only thing confusing me is the fact that my packaging is slightly different from the known packaging of the current model that Hasbro has on its website(Full-Auto Belt-fed Blaster). Comparing the Front-Sides and Back-sides of all three packagings it seems that I have the new model of the Vulcan but it is packaged in a third packaging variation. Does anyone know this packaging? Can anyone cleary say that my Vulcan model is definitely identical to the "Full-Auto belt-fed Blaster"-model?
I am really confused right now and would really appreciate any help! This question is really important to me because I definitely want the best stock model of the Vulcan (I know you can mod this big-daddy in almost every way).
I really can't wait anymore to get this big fat gun out of the box but until I got confirmation that my model of the Vulcan is identical to the current model (full-auto belt-fed Blaster) I won't open the box.......
Member Since 23 Dec 2011Offline Last Active Jan 19 2012 10:33 AM