It's almost certainly done with a dremel or similar rotary tool, using a cut-off wheel and sanding drum. Though the same result could be achieved with a jeweler's saw and sandpaper.How did he get it cut to fit so nicely around the flywheels? What tool(s) would he have used for that
- NerfHaven
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In Topic: Stryfe Barrel Extension
16 April 2015 - 02:32 PM
In Topic: Stryfe Barrel Extension
16 April 2015 - 02:20 PM
I remember reading something about that too, in a comment on the nerf flywheelers fb page. I think he also mentioned flaring the breech (or whatever that end is called in a nerf blaster)
How do you mean, using brass tubing to guide the darts through the flywheels?
The brass is cut in a way that allows it to pass through the flywheel housing without interfering with the moving parts. as seen in this video
In Topic: Stryfe Barrel Extension
16 April 2015 - 02:09 PM
I have not tested the accuracy or fps involved, but somewhere I read about using 9/16 brass to guide darts through the flywheels and stabilize them further afterwards. If you have the means to pull it off that may be a good route to go. If you want to use pvc instead that should work fine. Just make sure its a larger inner diameter than the barrel preceding it, to ensure your darts don't get stuck within. Length should probably be somewhere between 6 & 14 inches.
In Topic: How many pumps is safe?
15 November 2014 - 10:50 AM
We could really benefit from some proper information about air tanks' characteristics like stock operating pressure, volume, failure pressure, and emptying efficiency. Maybe one day i or someone else will get the chance to do that.There's really only one way to find out.
In Topic: Adhesive Polyurethane Domes
07 September 2014 - 10:53 AM
I know with silicone domes, corn starch on the tips can keep them from sticking. Also the lower angle in 3D printed wyes feed them a lot more reliably. Or you could try to tackle replacing the hopper with actual magazines designed for stefans, or a tube magazine like on this setro's PANB 870
- NerfHaven
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